Heart & Nature-Based
Transformational Work
Intuitively led Individualized Sessions
by internet, phone & in-person
Each of us has our own unique path to walk.
My individual sessions are intended as important steps to help you get in touch with your True Self and give you the tools to reconnect with the wholeness that is already within you -
bringing about change with your heart
and from your heart.
Individual Sessions
Coaching through personal matters
Relationship, work or decision challenges
Helping release somatic body & memory trauma
Unstuck from stuck feelings & thoughts
Emotional freedom
Hypnotherapy and NLP
Reiki Master Healing Sessions
Past Life Regression Therapy
Ho'oponopono Timeline Healing
Ceremony for Release, Vision, Changes
Let's Talk About the Right Services or Coaching for You
Starting with a
Free 30-Minute Consultation
where you can feel open to talk without judgement about what's really going on in your life.
Individual Coaching begins with...
1. A first 2-hour Initial Deep Dive into your life story, challenges and creating a positive and new internal subconscious foundation for our work together ~ with a hypnosis/NLP session for planting the seeds for success and getting all of the parts of you to be "all in!" for your growth and freedom. (Exchange: $222, or $160 when part of a Personal Coaching Plan)
2. Then, based on our agreed Personal Coaching Plan, 1.5 hour sessions over the next 1-6 months, working step-by-step through the layers of your life and helping you come home to the new Vision and Trueness of You.

*How Do We Design A Personal Coaching Plan Unique to You?
Because you are a unique individual with your own life events, soul blueprint, family background - my coaching with you is organic and meets you on the soul level rather than a "cookie-cutter" program that may or may not work.
My work is to take all of my experience and intuition guided by Spirit to help you get to the Heart of your True Self and heal the areas that persist and help you take real steps for change. There is no program "out there" that can do that.
We are going to work through YOUR life and history, no one else's.
That's why in our 30-minute consultation, we will build the package and time that opens this new Rite of Passage in your life the right way.
Packages are based on $160 per 1.5 hour recorded session x the frequency and length of our work together that we design just for you.
Also Available:
Past Life Regression Therapy ~ $250
Hono'ono'pono Timeline Healing - $250
Reiki Sessions ~ $111 per hour
Returning Client Hypnosis/NLP Tune-Ups ~ $111 per hour
Wilderness Eco-Therapy Intensive Work,
Ceremonial Medicine Work, Grief/Relationship Releasing
1/2 days ~ $444
Full days - $888
2-5 Day Personal Mount Shasta Intensives
for deep-level healing and vision work - Call to discuss
Plus, invitation to join me in personal and group wilderness intensives
So let's talk - Today
or Call 503-679-2165
Professional Disclaimer - Michael Chudzik is a certified NLP Master Practitioner and Clinical Hypnotherapist. He is not a licensed doctor or mental health professional. Michael's coaching, spiritual and shamanic or "medicine" work through Vision Path Art's & Consulting is not offered as a substitute for health care with a licensed physician or mental health provider, but as a complementary service.
Federal Wilderness Guide Permit Civil Rights Disclosure -
This business operates under special use permit with the Shasta-Trinity National Forest in accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, and reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information(e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.) should contact the responsible State or local Agency that administers the program or USDA’s TARGET Center...
(continued -- Please read this disclosure in the link HERE)